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The two men went back inside to re-join their comrades in celebrating their victorious running over of Michika.The men in this particular hut were about ten in number and they're the top brass of the faction.
In other huts were large numbers of men and some scores outside patroling the vicinity.
A hundred metres away was the fortified hostages camp where men,women and children were kept and surrounded by armed men.
Captured soldiers were not kept but killed instantly.And every prisoner in the camp was a sex material,there was no guiding rules,any fighter who felt like wanting to feed his sexual appetite goes in,pick anyone he wanted to have a go on.
Tonight they're having a ball.The songs of victory in arabic boomed out from the huts and from the hostage camp women and men were dragged out to various corners by drunk fighters for an influx sex romp.
Mohammodu Abu-Issah and his men lived in an absolute naturally fortified enclosure in this part of the Sambisa forest.Here they settled in,was like the middle of a football pitch,but instead of the conventional round concrete spectators seat,it was rounded by rocks and woods.And the only through-fare was just a narrow close, and not wider than the width of a pick-up van.It was water-tight guided and a sucide for anyone to try an attack through this way.There're other few narrow passages inbetween rocks and woods which're used by the insurgents to scout the area.
It was 1935hrs,and darkness was fast taken over the entire surrounding.From behind one of the trees a head hidden under a black vail peeped just two hundred metres from the near hut where Paul Hameedu's body was being dragged out.
The person under the vail had seen Paul taken away from the hostage camp and had followed them secretely.It had also seen the lifeless body dragged out of the hut and dumped by two men.But what it does not know was if the person was still alife or dead.
At the far end were armed men moving up and down at alert.For better focuse,the person under the vail ajusted the piece of cloth to revail a female bearer.
But then an armed man emerged from nowhere,without wasting time,she jabbed the dagger in her hand into his belly.The man clutched at it with wide eyes and sung to the ground in death.
Having taken cautious details of her environment now,she moved like lightening from tree to tree until she was an arm stretch to the body on the ground.
She began pulling the body to herself.Got it behind the tree,and raised it to a sitting position,making it's back rest by the trunk.
She turned her back to it,counted down to zero,then hieved up the body.Stood.Counted three seconds and started off.Picking her way through the dark forest.
It wasn't easy,but she moved on incredulously through the difficult terrain.
Thirty minutes later,one of the insurgents who dumped Paul's body outside came out to relieve himself intending to pee on the body,but to his surprise the body was no longer there.Curiously,he flashed on the torch light in his hand and scaned round,but he did not see it.
In fear and surprise,he dashed back to the hut and reported what he witnessed outside.The men followed him and saw it was true.
"Maybe his Jesus has carried him away,"Mahammodu jested.But then one of them in his looking around,found a dead body laying on the ground beside a tree.
But it turned out to be one of their own men.And the protruding head of the dagger,told,them how he was killed.
Mohammadu was mad."Shege!I ought to have killed the basterd instantly."Find him,and if you get him cut off his legs and hands and make him beg for death!"
After a long streneous wobbling and staggering through the darknese,she came to a river.Gently,she put down the body, colapsed and passed out beside it.
She came suddenly awake from a dreamless long sleep.The sun was already up.She looked around her,she was all alone.She knew she had arrived here carring someone half-dead on her back,but where was the person?
She got to her feet,look searchingly to all directions.Then she saw him.
He was sitting on a dead wood laying on the river bank with his back to her direction looking into the far distance of the river.
She walked up,and stood behind him.She looked at the swollen,broken and bruised body caked with dried blood and knew he would need proper medical attention to fix him back.
She tore her vail into two and started cleaning the wounds.
"My name is Halima,and from Gwoza".
And five kilometers away,burning in the inferno of the unwary remiss of his,which had cost the unwarranted lost of one of his men to an insignificant hero,Mohammadu was on a merciless reprisal extraction of lives from the hostages.
At around 0815hrs he ordered all the hostages out to a clearing ground,men,women and children.
"Now all you fools are going to pay for the death of one of the faithful servants of Allah killed last night by one of you.I'm not going to spare anyone,you shall all die!Not even your infants shall live!"
,he raved in hausa.
And to show he meant what he said,he moved towards a woman holding her two weeks old baby boy child to her chest.He ripped the baby from her.Rising the now crying baby into the air,he pulled the trigger,blowing it into pieces.
Blood and flesh sparted his sinister face,and he laughed loudly enjoying the show.
There was cries of angush from the people,and the brave ones among the men, without minding rushed at the insurgents,but they're cut down with bullets.
Paul and Halima heard the sparodic gun fire coming loud and clear to them.
"I think we've to get moving",Halima said.They waddled through the shallow part of the river and began to run.
They wandered in the forest for seven days,only feeding on wild fruits and stream water.Paul was healing gradually from his wounds,and through this space of time,Halima and him, had developed an unconditional prediction for each other.
Halima was eighteen years old and a formar SS3 student of the Girls Secondary School,Gwoza before the insurgents sacked the community and took some of the survivals hostage.She and some other scores of girls had been held in the Sambisa forest by the insurgents for six horrific months and subjected to inhuman sex slavery unimaginabe.Many of her pairs died because they could not stand the horrible experience much.
At a point she too had been close to death through gang marathon sex she was subjected to.She had fainted in the process,and this had been her saving grace.Thinking she was dead,they had abandoned her.
Escape 4rm Sambisa2B
In the noon of the seventh day they emerged in a dusty road.They did not know where they're,and while debating which way to go,they heard the sounds of approaching vehicles.Quickly they hide in the bush.
As the sounds of the vehicles gets closer,they could also pick voices,but not from the approaching vehicles.It was coming from behind.They looked back and saw them.Five men in minitary camoflag with AK47s slugged over their shoulders.They're chating about the success of their campaign in Gamboru.
Paul and Halima got to their feet and began to run.
The approaching vehicles were still behind the bend,they dashed across the road into the opppsite bush without stoping.Then came a sudden burst of gun shot followed by rapid successions of firing,and they knew the men were pursuing them.They also knew it won't be long they catch up with them,because they had lost all uphold of strenght already.
Paul stopped running but urged Halima to go on.She wanted to protest but comprehending what he wanted to do and realising they had only few more minutes before they're transported to the world beyond,she took off running zigzad as bullets flew past her.Paul found a two feet long dried log of wood,held it with his two hands and waited behind a tree.
Three seconds later one of the gun men came up just an arm stretch away from Paul.And without wasting time he hit him hard at the back of his head and he fell face down the gun fallen out of his hand.Paul quickly picked it and shot him twice.
The other men came running and into the burstingly lose of his fire.And in a minute there was dead silence,the men laid dead.
He picked one of the guns,removed the clips of the others and ran.

The now visible vehicles were trucks.Five of them loaded with arms and piloted by four RPG mounted Toyota Hilux vans,two in the front and two at the rear.Scores of AK47 guns carring men positioned themselves in the Hilux vans.
They seemed not to be concerned about the shotings emanating from the surrounding bushes.They took for a random passtime or a mop up from their men.This was their territory in the boundary town of Nigeria and Chad.
Paul found Halima in a cave.Here they stayed for the rest of the day.The cave was comfortable and secure and when it was night,they sneaked out going by the way they had came.
They passed the five dead bodies,got to the road and started towards the direction the trucks and its pilots had gone.
Walking about three kilometers,they found a little village.But it was void of human.With their guns at trigger ready,they walked in.Behind the wall of one of the mud houses were a couple of decomposing bodies laying on the ground.At the far end was another house,they entered the house and found heaps of potatoes.Halima tore off part of her hijab,spread it on the floor and wrapped some potatoes in it.She tired it on her back and they dashed out.
As they moved under the shadow of the darkness,Paul sensed the present of some unseen shadows watching them.
He took Halima's arm,and they ran behind a wall and disappeared into the darkness just as a deafening sparodic gun fire rent the air.But they're gone.
Back in the cave,they ate the potatoes raw and felt some fresh strenght flowing into their feeble body.Paul was dossing off when he felt the soft cool touch on his bare cheast.He snapped his eyes opened only to find himself staring into the sexually inviting eyes of Halima.Before he could open his mouth,it was sealed with hers in a hungry kiss.His body began to respond.Halima quickly undressed.
Paul pulled down his trouser and in a few minute they're lost in the world of undifinable sexual pleasure.They made love as if they're going to die that night.But they did not.
The sun was up when they came awake the next morning.They put on their clothes and left the cave.
They wandered in the forest all day,and as the day began to dwindle,they suddenly came to an outpost.
They hide in the bush,watching and mentally taken details of the layout.There were two watchtowers a dozen RPG mounted Toyota Hilux vans,half a dozen motor bikes and scores of men in khafia dress with guns slugged over their shoulders.
"We'll engage them to night".Paul said.
"Yes.And take as many of them as we can as company to the great world beyond".Halima answered.
Paul looked at her,"Yes,as we can".He said.
In the moonlighted night, the outline of the outpost could be clearly seen.Paul and Halima was ready to go.They aimed their guns at the two watchtower sentry men.
"At the count of zero we bring them down",Paul said.
The two AK47s went off simultaneously.The two sentry men left their posts.Not to eat or relieve themseves,but blown out of existence.There was confusion.None could tell where the shots had came from.With this advantage,Paul and Halima began pumping bullets into the ranks,moving closer and cutting them down like weeds.Halima was out of control,ducking and running from tree to tree firing into all directons.They did not give the insurgents any reasonable room to get composed.
Paul made his way to one of the submachine gun mounted Hilux van,climbed into it and began sending volley shells into the other vans and tents.Then it was all over.
Paul jumped down,Halima came around bleeding from her shoulder.There was a spared bike still standing,Paul and Halima rode away with it.
They rode through the night without a definite destination.But they at the end found themselves in Fotoko,a boundary community in Cameroun.The joint minitary forces of Nigeria and Cameroun took and sent them down to Yola where they're taken to a minitary hospital for medical care.


tragedy!2sibling and a dog found dead in a freezer

tragedy!2sibling and a dog found dead in a freezer
There was a cloud of sorrow when two siblings and a dog was found dead in a freezer on Sunday afternoon at 2,Christian Onoja street Igbogbo in the Igbgbo Baiyeku LGDA. The incident was discovered at around 4:30pm. The children,Emmanuel,7,male, and Darasimi,4,female,were with their father,Michael Edeh in the house on the faithful day.Their mother was said to be out to sale her ware. Neighbours said they were surprised when the father came out from the house to ask them the where about of the kids. But after searching around the neighborhood,they could not find them. But when the mother who became troubled came and started searching inside the house she found the lifeless bodies of the children and that of the dog inside the freezer. Nobody really knew what happened, but the police have taken it up to investigate the incident.
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