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It was November the 16th.The dry season of the year was already having its unchallenged awesome power display,pouring out torrent of hot streams of air on the region as the sun opened up its floodgate of heat.
Two weeks before,Paul and Halima had been driven to the Defence Headquartrs to meet the minister who wanted to hear a raw and first hand story from the horses mouth.
They had told him everything without any minus or plus.
And working on the intelligent informations given him by the two escapees,he had comanded a secret mission of three angents to the area and they came back with positive report,confirming the insurgents arm build up in Baga.The insurgents were there,building up a strong arm base.
Without wasting time the minister met the presidency that same day and he was given the order to swing into action without delay.
And within ten minutes all minitary formations across the country was cabled and a formidable force was mobilised for the mission.
Ten fighter jet was to give air support,apart from the five hundred soldiers and five armord carriers on ground,and supported by the local hunters and the civilian JTF.
It was the fifteenth day of the month of November.
While the Defence Headquarters was mobilizing forces to take the insurgents,Abubakar Shekau and the top echelon in the sects were ordering its faction along the republic of Niger border zone to attack and capture the town of Abadam immediately.
It was mid-afternoon and the town and its people were at peace without any thought of the impending horror encircling them.
The sound came like a new year eve banger,but unlike the ceremonial firework,this one had a devastating effect.The hand grenade landed on the main road catching people unprepared.And before they knew what was happening the entire town was on fire.RPGs and hand grenades was flying all over the town,and guns raining bullets on people,cutting them down mercilessly in heaps.
It was a great massacre and for two hours the insurgents vandelized the town without any hindrance.Those they caught alive were slaughtered like rams.Dead bodies littered the whole place,only few managed to escape into the surrounding forest.
They hoisted their flag in front of the civic center building opposite the Jumat mosque which was now in rumbles.
Except a slight touch on the civic center,no any other building in the entire town suvived,mosques, churches,schools and police stations were all razed down.
Dust and Blood
At the zero hour of the 16th,a platoon led by Col.Zubairu Markus left the minitary base in Maiduguri to Baga.The soldiers were in high moral and eager to engage and bring the insurgents to submission.
They were loaded in three trucks.Fifty men in high moral,eager to fight and liberate innocent souls held hostage by misguided miscreants.Col.Markus and three other top officers rode in a minitary painted Toyota hilux afront the trucks.And leading the way was a thirteen years old local boy,Saidu, riding on a Bajaj motor cycle.
The platoon's order was to draw the insurgents out,keep them engaged to a single direction while the main troops comes on them from all sides and air.
But they had picked the wrong person to lead them through the unfamiliar terrain.Saidu was actually working for the insurgents.Nobody,not even his local comrades knew.He was a smart and crafty lad.
Ten minutes before departure,he had sneaked out to contact the insurgents,who now had laid an ambush for the advancing soldiers.
A mile before the intersection of the main road that would probably bring them closer to the insurgents base,Saidu raised his hand up for a halt.He came down from his bike,and walked up to Col.Markus,spoke to him through the window.
The Connel made to come down,but then came heavy bombardments from all sides.The entire platoon was caught in the middle of no chance fire-power.No one escaped,but Saidu.
Before the bullets that went through his heart fimally silenced him,Corp.Lawrennce Ndindu the driver of the rear truck managed to put a call from his mobile phone through to base in Maiduguri.Though the network was poor,but they were able to grab the massage.
Within thirty minutes the dead soldiers were beheaded and their heads hung on fifty poles erected along the road to Baga.
Baga,a boundary fishing town on the Nigeria and Chad border had for long been under the control of Boko Haram and they had turned it into a fortifiled base of operation due to its strategic position.There was a huge pile of arms here which came from Chad and Cameroun waters and roads.
The remaining surviving people of the community mostly old men and women had taken their faith as it were with hope that one day their salvation would come.
1315hrs,a minitary cargo plane parachuted thirty commandos to the mash forest of Baga,dropping them ten kilomters to the front line.
As the plane flew over the insurgents base,they knew that there was something about to happen based on the earlier informations they had received from their informant who had hinted them about the intended attack which they had successfully fought off the first attempt.They knew the minitary would come back,but what they did not know was that they were already in Baga.
By 1700hrs,the commandoes had sneaked around and encircled the insurgents.They hide along the edge of the little sacked village and waited for the main unit to get closer.
From their various cancealments,they could see all the strategic positions and activities in the camp of the insurgents.
2100hrs,the signal came to them to infilitrate the camp.The main troop were now three kilometers away.The Boko Haram scouts had seen them and alerted the commanders.Men in babarigas and black veils,carrying AK47s,SMGs,MGs began to take up positions.Some jumping into scores of RPG mounted Toyota hilux vans in readiness.
And all their attentions was focused on the main road,and they paid for it dearly.
The commandos moved in from the reare,silently annihilating the extremists without any slackness nor room for them to fight back or raise alarm of the raveging wild fire sweeping through the camp.
Their end would had been fast and quicker if not of a slight miscalculation by a commando.A sentry on one of the watchtowers caught the attack on one of his comrades who went down silently without a sound as his throat was slit from behind by a shadowy figure.Then another one.
These was enough to tell him what was happening,then he raised an alarm and started shotting at the slick moving shadow.But in a second,he came thuddling down being shot through the heart.
The insurgents came alife,and opened up torrental firing power with their sufficated fire-arms.It was clumsy at first,then they began hitting their targets,and the commandos began dweddling in number as they're cut down.
The commandos then changed tactise and began knocking off the insurgents' equipments and machineries.
The first unit of the troop,made up of soldiers,local hunters and civilian JTF arrived and joined the fight,but the fire power of the insurgents was extremely overwhelming plus their large numbers.
The entire fishing village of Baga and it's surroundings blazed in the flame of bomberdments for hours sending hails of dust and blood into the night sky.Crys of anguish and the smells of burning flesh filled the air as casualities soared from both sides.
The minitary commanders with the determination to bring out and take home success from the operation,called in for aeril support.
Quickly,the troops positions was marked out with flames for the airforce pilots to pick out their target areas.And in a minute,the fighter jets came spitting fire into the enemies positions.
And within ten minutes the entire sturbon miscreants was bombed out of existence despite their stuborn stance to withstand the airforce bombardments.
Grave silence came over Baga as the plans flew back to base leaving the soldiers to finish the mop up.

woman suing her ex-boyfriend for overstretching her vagina

woman suing her ex-boyfriend for overstretching her vagina
A 29-year-old Zimbabwe woman,Silindile Mangena is nursing the idea of suing her ex-boyfriend after she discovered that his big penis had overstretched her vagina. According to Silindile,she had met and fell in love with 37-year-old Mugove Kurima in 2016,despite knowing he was already married at that time. But she called off the relationship in May this year after discovering that Kurima's abnormal penis have overstretched her vagina. Silindile said before she started dating Kurima her vagina was tight.Now she have to undergo recontructive surgery which will cost the sum of 15,000 Rand(£8,000) and she want Kurima to pay for it. She have met with her lawyers,but Kurima have not stated his own part of the allegation.
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