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Blind Option

After graduation from the university,Tina and her childhood friend Nancy roamed the,streets of Lagos for jobs to no avail.
A year led to another,three,four,and still counting,but luck eluded them.
Frustrations and pyramids of alternative choices began to build up in their minds.
But they continued to wait for God time.
One day Nancy looked up herself in the mirror,and what she saw made her heart skip a beat.A chill ran down her spin.
"Oh my God!"She muttered to herself,and tears began to ran down her cheeks.
She looked at her friend,and saw the same thing.They're both wasting away.
For seven years running after graduation nothing to show for it.No job,still living on the parents,no husbands not even a promising suitor.
And now age had come telling on tiem.It was a bitter truth.Nancy made a u-turn,and nibbed patience in the bud,and took to the streets of gold huntting with the weapon she had.
She had the looks and good body built to lure men which she had kept veilled off.
And now she was going to unveil it.
"MAM"men and money became her middle name.And swiftly in no long time level changed fr her.
She became one of the top babes in town.She was in money.
But Tina never got blown away by her friend's magical turn around,she remained resolute and held on.
Often times she would ask her if what she had chosed doing was right.And Nancy would tell her she had endured enough and cant help it any more.
Money had come and life became sweet.Nancy rented a duplex at Victoria Garden,and both friends moved there.
She bought two posh cars,and her wardrobe recieved new stuffs every week.
Things was going well for her,for her target group of men were the guys at the top who are loaded and ready to spend it without looking back.
All this while Tina never lost hope of finding God's favour while she continued her waiting amist unendorsed splendour.
She knew nothing else could give her joy than a decent job.She had decided in herself never to rubbish her body to ease the challenges facing her.
Then one day in the second year of their new found havean,Tina got two mails.
One got her name at the back of the envelope and the other one beared Nancy's name.
And not expecting an extra ordinary news content in it,she slited opened the one with her name and retrieved the letter.
Blind Option 1
She spread it out to read,but what she saw was unbelievable to her feeble mind.
She was shaking all over,and her legs could no longer support her body.She collapse into a chair in tears of unbelieve.
At last God had remembered her!She sobbed.In tears she tore the second envelope,and it contained the same informaton.It was letters of employement from one of the companies they took an interview some four years back!
Nancy wasn't home.She picked up her phone to break the great good news to her.But unfortunately her lines was not reachable.She tried several times,but with the same result.
It was 11.00am.Soon Nancy would call her from wherever place she was as it had been her routin.
After waiting for hours,still Nanc's regular call did not come,Tina became restless.
She sent her a text,but it came back undelivered.She was now more worried,then fear came in.
Evening came and then stretched into the night hours,but still no contact with Nancy.
She was thinking of going to the police when her phone rang.The time was 02.00am.
She snatched the phone up like one expecting the result of a,million dollar lottry game.
"Hello babe,where 'av you been?You've been given me a creep!"
Nancy gave her a loud merrilous laugh over the phone.
"Babe you need not to fear,it's ok,only having some sweal time wth these guys just back from the States,i'll be home soon."And the line went dead.
But thirty minutes later,the gate bell rang.Tina who had dosed off in the sitting room woke up,and walked to the entrance door,with the hope it was Nancy at the gate.
But when she got to the gate,she rather saw a uniformed policeman.
"Sorry ma'am,please i'm looking for a Miss Tina Micheal".He showed her his id.
"Well there was this accident on Ajah expressway,and one of the victims a female by name Nany Julius gave this address and name."
"Oh my God!my God!!Tina screamed.
She ran towads the house and back again.
"Where is she...?What happened to her...?"...Please take me to where she is..."
"Take it easy ma'am she's going to be ok.She has been taken to the hospital in our other patrol van".
"Take me to the hospital".
But before they could reach the hospital,Nancy had gone home forever.

There is a way which seems right to a man,but it's end is the way of death.
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